So now I have one pre-req I have to complete prior to my departure in the beginning of July to Toledo,OH . I've received my financial aid packet and am an official Rocket of Toledo University College of Medicine. I'm so jacked and have been reading on other blogs about PA school. So intense, yet so rewarding in so many aspects of life.
I'm taking a child development class starting this month on the 14th, and it ends on June 8th. It's a m-f class at my University.
I'm going to pick out an apartment as close to the Medical Center as I can next week. It's an 8 hr drive that better be productive that's all I have to say.
I've been spending some of my spare time refreshing on the endocrine system, and pretty much all the body systems I can. I've spoken to many who've succeeded and they all say the schools hit the ground running, so I want to be able to run when the day comes!
It's such a humbling feeling to have been accepted still, and I can't wait to immerse myself in more advanced medical material that will actually be UTILIZED in the field. I know this upcoming 2 yrs will be unforgettable without a doubt!
For those re-applicants, I say stay with it and if you have any questions let me know because I was once in your shoes. As stated earlier in my blog I was shut down by 4 schools before I was accepted to the 5th. My number one pick school didn't even afford me an interview, so I felt depressed and let down. Let me know if you have an interview and I will give you some pointers if need be, as the interview is the time to shine amongst your competition!
" Shoot for the moon, for if you fall short, you will still land amongst the stars."
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