Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Superbowl Has Been Scheduled On February 15th!

My Interview Is Only A Week Away!

         Have I lost some sleep over this opportunity?! Yes! I want it to come so fast so I can prove to them I am a future PA-C! haha These are some of my most recent thought's about the interview:

                      "In Spongebob voice: I'm readeh! I'm readeh! I'm readeh! haha"

                                               "Finally the moment I've been waiting for!"  

                               "I'm not driving a 16hr round trip to not get accepted haha
                             " See the ball, hit the ball"     "I have worked very hard to get to this point"

"Although I don't trully don't know the outcome of this, I still see myself as a future PA-C regardless"

          " I have to be realistic, I may not get accepted, but I'm going in there as if I already am "

  " During my interview I AM going to be cool, calm, collective, and exude professialism "

 " I want to ensure the committee than I'm not just an applicant, but I'm Michael Hill future PA-C"

      "I wonder if there are going to be any written tests?!?"  " Will the interview be hard!?!?"

                                               " I will NEVER buckle under pressure

         I think the last thought was a bit heavily stated, but when you THINK and FEEL a certain way your actions typically reflect in the same manner. It's pure statistics, when you say you won't get in, then you WON'T!   There is one thing that I will say, I'm going to try my best!

" If the occupation and I were meant to be together, starting February 15th, I'll have to change the weather. "



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