Monday, August 20, 2012

Finally It's Here!! The 1st Day of School!!!

Ya know, the day was strenous, in only that the information was a lot.  The information in general wasn't that hard.  It was interesting to finally get a course load, and I think my classmates were happy with the day as well.  I spoke with several of them, and the concensus is that it's do able.  I'm very excited to start though, and the day was a bit tiresome because we sat in Anat. for 8 hrs!! lol  The professors were cool and easy going.  After the day was over though I can't lie, I hit the bed for an hr! Haha, it freaking drained me!  My fellow classmates can concur, and most of them shot off to the library to attempt to retain the material, some went to the gym,  and some went home.  I myself, went to the YMCA in the Medical Center for about 45 minutes, got home, showered and cooked.  I attempted to lay down for about 45 mins, but had to call family to inform them about my day. 

From about 8pm onward I studied, and today in lecture we went over the vertebrae with the nervous system intertwined throughout it.  There is a lot to know already, and tomorrow we are already going to the NEXT subject! Haha, the shoulders!  It's like Mach 2 on the European Audoban. 

My studying mostly consist of lecturing myself aloud on a dry-erase board.  It's a great way to retain the material because if you can teach it, then you have learned it.  Although, it is silly thinking about how I'm talking to myself aloud.  Maybe an invisible patient could work for imaginative purposes! lol

Here's the thing though, for my followers and future PA-C students,  you have to remember that we are here as students a couple reasons.

1.) We WANT to be here.  We are passionate, dedicated, and fortified by our inner spirits to improve the human condition.  All 45 of us have the vision of becoming a PA-C!

2.)  The faculty and staff know what they are doing when it comes to selection.  They wouldn't have selected you as a student hadn't they known your potential to handle to program.

So, for those of you that are worried about the intensity of the program, just remember " Pain is Temporary, Quitting is Forever. " In all actuality, 27 months will seriously fly, especially when your so busy.  This material isn't nuclear phyics, and with that being said, all you need is the " Eye of The Tiger " to climb the mountain. 

The heat will crank up in the kitchen of PA school I'm sure, but I don't think I'm understating the program because I've spoken with numerous 2nd yr students who have been through it all.  They all have the same advice, and that is to complete the 1st semester successfully, even though tough, and you will be fine the rest of the forth coming semesters. 

" Attitude is everything, pick a good one. "

Michael S. Hill PA-S

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Orientation Yesterday!

Yesterday's orientation was an eye opener, but the seeds for friendship and perserverance throughout the program were planted needless to say.  Beside being a very long day, 08:00a - 05:00p, I had lots of fun during the orientation.  Breakfast and lunch were provided, and there was lots of tid bits of information to understand, everything from becoming HIPAA certified, the Graduate Studies Resources being available to us, the PA Program resources that are available, emergency contacts, obtaining ID's, meeting with professors, touring the campus, asking lots of questions, and like already said, establishing a bond with classmates.  There was even a 2nd yr student there to give the class insight into what to expect, also to make sure we take advantage of the academic resources that are available in regards to the Academic Enrichemnt Center ( AEC ).  This center is a place to collaborate with fellow students on varying subjects.  We can start tutor group sessions, and tweek varying study habits that may be causing conflict with our performance. 

Overall, that day was the spark for ignition to what is to be our FIRST SEMESTER!  CHEERS TO THAT! The flame will ignite Monday Aug. 20th. Some of my classmates are going to hang 10 for an evening at one of the local bar and grills tomorrow.  I'm extremely happy that my fellow colleagues are open to friendships, and are just as compassionate, motivated, and determined as I am in becoming a future PA-C!

" Champions are made from something they have deep inside them - a desire, a dream, a vision."  Muhammad Ali

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Coming Close To The Beginning....

         Well, I am excatly 10 days out from the beginning of my journey to becoming a PA.  I'm both anxious and nervous because there will be  soo much to learn!  In 2 yrs I will be practicing with 3rd and 4th yr medical students, and that's difficult to grasp that concept.  There will be loads of information blasted my way, I ran into a 1 st yr student of the program, and she described it as standing in a hurricane, and I think I stated this already, but since time is nearing it is becoming more and more surreal.
         Exactly 9 days ago though I was playing a local soccer match, and hurt my left knee.  I made an appt. with my PCP, and we ruled out a fx luckily.  It has taken some time now to heal, but I'm glad that I will not need surgery.  The injury has put a damner on all physical activity to include fishing, which I love to do.  I brought my kayak, and now I won't even have the opportunity to use it.  So I'm kinda down about that.
          I have talked to one of my classmates over the phone, as he wanted to just get in touch and make sure our rendevouz for a meet n greet were still set, and in a wk I will be attending.  I'm really ready to start making connections with my classmates and  to begin a strong friendship between everyone.  The program has a saying, there are no " Islands ", which basically means there is no " I " in " Team ". 
        We made a FB group and have over half the class on board, but there is still about 10 or so that have not joined, so I'm assuming they don't have an account with FB. 
         Again, I have spent some time hear and there skimming through my A&P book familiarizing myself with basic concepts so it hopefully lessens the strains when crunch time starts!  I know for a fact that I will be typing away at this blog when school starts, and I will fill you in on the goods throughout the program.

" You miss All the Shots you don't take "